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Camiones Western Star

  Western Star Trucks  es un futuro fabricante de camiones en  American Truck Simulator. En 1967, White Motor Company inició la división Western Star como White Western Star con una nueva planta en Kelowna, Columbia Británica, compartiendo la sede con White en Cleveland, Ohio. Los camiones White Western Star en esa época solían usar taxis de su compañía hermana, Autocar. La producción de Western Star se trasladó a Ogden, Utah, pero no se incluyó en la venta de White a Volvo en 1980, sino que se vendió a Bow Valley Resources y Nova Corporation, cada una con el 50%. En 1991, los propietarios de la subsidiaria australiana de Western Star, Terry Peabody y Bob Shand, compraron Western Star Trucks. En 1996, se compró ERF. Fue vendido en 2000 a MAN. En 2000, Western Star fue comprada por DaimlerChrysler, pasando a formar parte de la división Freightliner Trucks . En 2002, la producción de Western Star se trasladó a una planta enPortland , Oregón . HISTORIAL 4 de marzo de 2020 : ...

Red de carreteras de Colorado

Los camioneros pueden pasar más de 300 días al año en la carretera entregando una variedad de cargas en diferentes estados y países. Es por eso que nuestros equipos dedican mucho tiempo a asegurarse de que las redes de carreteras estén representadas de la mejor manera posible dentro de nuestros títulos; y Colorado para American Truck Simulator no será una excepción.  Desde cruces únicos hasta paradas de camiones famosas, Colorado contará con diseños de carreteras únicos y puntos de referencia familiares para los camioneros que conducen en el área con frecuencia. Un ejemplo de ello es Mousetrap , el apodo que se le da a un intercambio ubicado cerca de la ciudad de Denver que se construyó en la década de 1950. En la actualidad, su trazado se ha convertido en un hito conocido por los millones de conductores que lo recorren cada año.  Las paradas de camiones también son otro aspecto importante para los camioneros en los Estados Unidos. Cada noche, estas paradas se convierten en un...

Camiones Freightliner

Freightliner Trucks es un futuro fabricante de camiones en American Truck Simulator . Fundada en 1929 como la división de fabricación de camiones de Consolidated Freightways (de la que deriva su nombre), la empresa se estableció en 1942 como Freightliner Corporation. Propiedad de Daimler AG desde 1981, Freightliner es parte de Daimler Trucks North America, subsidiaria de Daimler (junto con Western Star , Detroit Diesel y Thomas Built Buses).   El posible camión de Freightliner será el Cascadia . Apareció por primera vez en la serie 18 Wheels of Steel con los nombres falsos Frisk y Forerunner . La sede de Freightliner Trucks se encuentra en Portland , Oregon . HISTORIAL 25 de enero de 2016 : en una publicación de blog sobre problemas de licencias, SCS Software muestra una imagen del modelo Freightliner Cascadia 2016.  24 de septiembre de 2018 : Carthoo Community Manager de SCS muestra un render del departamento de vehículos de SCS del modelo Freightliner Cascadia 2018 en el for...

BIG In Idaho!

From wide open roads to larger sized trucks, everything in the American Truck Simulator world does appear to be a little bigger when compared with its European counterpart. However, one thing that does stay consistently large no matter where you are, is the size of our Special Transport loads! In the upcoming state of Idaho for American Truck Simulator, owners of the Special Transport DLC will have 3 new routes to drive with the assistance of local law enforcement and escort vehicles. These routes are: Boise to Grangeville Idaho Falls to the Challis (near Salmon City) Twin Falls to Nampa  Each journey will come with its own challenges. So make sure to adhere to the GPS advisor and speed limit which have been set-out for you before your departure, as there is no room for mistakes! If you are not an owner of the Special Transport DLC, be sure to pick it up whilst the Steam Summer Sale is still ongoing. You can find a wide range of our products from both our ETS2 & ATS catalog at ...

Idaho: Caution! Contents Are Hot

Ever wondered what it is like to walk around the moon? dream no further! Today, we are taking a closer look at one of Idaho's National Parks that is famous for its volcanic history and moon-like landscape. So how did this part of Idaho become so alien like? Between 2,000 and 15,000 years ago, the area now known as the 'Craters of the Moon National Monument' was formed during eight major eruptive periods, in which lava erupted from the Great Rift, a series of deep cracks that start near the current visitor center and stretches 52 miles. Since its last eruption, the lava has cooled to form an unusual terrain with volcanic rocks, lava flows and rich dark soil. This desolate, yet sublime landscape is also known for its connection with space. The Craters of the Moon National Monument allows visitors to explore a moon-like surface without ever leaving Earth. In fact it's so close to the real deal that in 1969, NASA sent some of it's best-known astronauts to prepare and...

ETS2 1.38 Open Beta

Following up from the Announcement of the ATS 1.38 Open Beta,  we are excited to offer the community a glimpse of the upcoming 1.38 version's improvements, fixes, and new functionality for Euro Truck Simulator 2. It will still take at least several weeks before the full 1.38 release; please keep in mind that this is the first raw open beta, and very much still a work-in-progress build. If you want to take it for a spin, you can help contribute by reporting any bugs you may encounter over at the appropriate section of our official forums. Your feedback and reports are extremely valuable for our team and we thank you in advance for taking the time to help us out. So, what can you expect to find in the 1.38 Open Beta for ETS2? Let's take a closer look! First off, the city of Lille has received a reskin, which includes new road networks, updates to existing junctions, more detailed scenery, and the inclusion of newer vegetation, terrain textures, and much more! Some of the m...

Iberia: Olives

Next time you are cooking up a meal and you add a dash of olive oil to your pan, take a quick glance at the back of the bottle, as there is a good chance that it was produced in Iberia! Spain is renowned for producing some of the best olives in the world, which are then used for both for making olive oil and for eating as delicious table olives. In fact, Spain produces about half the world's total olive oil, of which about 46% is exported, making them the world's leading olive oil producer and exporter. But how did olives become so prevalent and popular? The first olive trees were brought to Spain over 3,000 years ago by the traveling Phoenicians, the same people who supplied the country with its first grapes! Since then, the Olive industry has boomed with more than 350 million olives being grown each year on 250 different variants of olive trees.  So it will come as no surprise that truckers in Iberia play an important role in helping export products of olive-oil and equipm...